Friday, November 09, 2007


This weeks Booking Through Thursday question

Would you say that you read about the same amount now as when you were younger? More? Less?

I would say that I definitely read more now than I did as a kid, and certainly more than I did 10 years. Part of the reason for that is that I have dedicated reading time during my commute each day.

10 years ago, I was in the middle of a stretch of about 5 or 6 years where I would have been lucky to read one or two books a year - hard to believe, but true! I am glad that that stretch is over!


  1. I do understand that at some point of our lives, books are least of our worries. I have gone through that phase.

  2. Life does sometimes get in the way. :-) I couldn't tell you if I read more or less now than I did when I was younger, but I do know I was reading. I can't remember a time when reading wasn't a part of my life.

  3. I read more than I did as a young girl, and read less than I did in my twenties. I would love to read like I did in my twenties but there are too many things pulling at me and I don't have any dedicated reading time. Lucky that way because a commute would kill me!




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